Breast Sonography

A breast sonogram is a specialized procedure often used to follow up an abnormal mammogram or clinical exam. As a breast sonographer, you’ll use a transducer on the patient’s breast to produce ultrasound images. A doctor will then analyze the images and use them in diagnosis. You might also assist with interventional procedures, such as biopsies. 

Breast sonograms are noninvasive—and they don’t use radiation. Nevertheless, your patients might be nervous or have questions about the procedure. With ARRT credentials in breast sonography, you’ll have the knowledge to explain the process, capture the best images possible, and provide a calming presence to your patients. 

Breast sonography photo of an R.T.'s gloved hand holding a transducer against a patient's breast


The purpose of ARRT certification and registration in Breast Sonography is to recognize individuals who are qualified to perform the role of a breast sonographer. To earn ARRT certification and registration in this discipline, you'll use our postprimary eligibility pathway. This requires, among other things, that you already hold ARRT credentials in an approved supporting discipline. In some cases, you may earn your supporting credential through another organization.  Learn more about eligibility requirements and view additional resources below.

A piece of paper with black checkboxes and red checkmarks with a red marker laying next to it


Earning ARRT certification and registration is challenging, yet very achievable. It will take time and commitment—but your hard work will pay off.  Learn more about the requirements you'll need to meet along the way, including those in education, ethics, and examination. 

A young woman with dark hair is sitting at a table in front of a laptop and an open book, holding papers and a pen


Clinical Experience Requirements explain the type and quantity of clinical procedures that you'll need to complete.

  • Clinical Experience Requirements

    Structured Education Requirements outline the education activity requirements for this discipline.

  • Structured Education Requirements

    Examination Content Specifications outline the topics that appear on our breast sonography exams.

  • Examination Content Specifications

    Task Inventory lists the job responsibilities typically required of technologists working in breast sonography.

  • Task Inventory

  • Postprimary Eligibility Pathway Handbook cover


    The application process for ARRT certification and registration has many detailed steps—but don't worry. We have a range of resources to guide you. Start by downloading our postprimary eligibility pathway application handbook below. 

    Download Handbook


    If you have questions about eligibility, our requirements, or applying, we're here to help. Contact us at 651.687.0048, then choose the option for earning an ARRT credential.. 

    If you're an R.T., you can find additional resources by logging into your online account and selecting "Pursue Postprimary" from the Complete Business tab. 

    If you're not already an R.T., but you hold a credential in Sonography from the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), and are interesting in pursuing a Breast Sonography credential from ARRT, complete and submit an online account access form to get started.