Working as a Sonographer
Sonography is a rewarding career path with a range of areas in which to specialize. Sonographers (also known as ultrasound technologists) work in hospitals, doctors’ offices, and diagnostic clinics.
As a sonographer, you’ll operate specialized equipment, using nonionizing, high-frequency sound waves to create images of a patient’s internal organs and tissues. You’ll perform the procedures for a variety of purposes—including creating images of an unborn child.
With ARRT credentials in Sonography, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to provide the highest levels of patient care. You’ll also have the skills to capture the best possible ultrasound images.
The purpose of ARRT certification and registration in Sonography is to recognize individuals who are qualified to perform the role of a sonographer. To earn ARRT certification and registration in this discipline, you'll use our primary eligibility pathway. Whether you're a student, looking for educational programs, or already an R.T., below are the resources you'll need to get started.

Earning ARRT certification and registration is challenging, yet very achievable. It will take time and commitment—but your hard work will pay off. Learn more about the requirements you'll need to meet along the way, including those in education, ethics, and examination.

Didactic and Clinical Competency Requirements explain the coursework and clinical procedures that you'll need to complete.
Examination Content Specifications outline the topics that appear on our sonography exams.
Task Inventory lists the job responsibilities typically required of technologists working in sonography.

The application process for ARRT certification and registration has many detailed steps—but don't worry. We have a range of resources to guide you. Start by reviewing an overview of the application process and downloading our primary eligibility pathway application handbook below.
Download HandbookQUESTIONS?
If you have questions about eligibility, our requirements, or applying, we're here to help. Contact us at 651.687.0048, then choose the option for earning an ARRT credential.