September 2016
Each week, ARRT hears from candidates who want extensions on their exam windows.
Exam windows are the amount of time you have to take an examination after ARRT processes your application for certification and registration. In the past, they were 90 days; in the future, they’ll be 365 days. (See below.)
Because extension requests have become increasingly common, we’ve decided to offer longer exam windows. This change should better meet your needs if you apply for another primary or a postprimary credential.
Here are the timelines you need to understand.
- If you’re pursuing a primary credential, you have three years after completing your educational requirements to apply for ARRT certification and registration in that discipline.
- Once you apply and ARRT finds you eligible, you’ll receive an exam window. You’re expected to schedule your first exam attempt during that window.
- If you receive an exam window that starts before Jan. 1, 2017, you’ll have 90 days to schedule and sit for the exam—just as in the past.
- If you receive an exam window that begins on or after Jan 1, 2017, you’ll have 365 days to schedule and sit for the exam.
You have a total of three years and three attempts to pass the exam. Those three years, however, are divided into exam windows. You must take your exam during an active exam window.
If you have an exam window but need more time before you take the exam, you might be able to request an extension. That depends on when you apply and when your window ends.
* You must request your extension before your window expires, and you can’t have requested more than two previous extensions for the exam window.

After you apply, you may take an exam up to three times during your three years of eligibility. If you take but don’t pass an exam, you may reapply and pay a $175 fee.
If we process your reapplication before Jan. 1, 2017, you’ll receive a new 90-day window, as long as you have at least 90 days of eligibility remaining. If you reapply on or after Jan. 1, 2017, you’ll receive a 365-day window, assuming you have at least 365 days of eligibility remaining.
If you don’t have enough eligibility remaining for a full exam window, your window will extend until the date your eligibility expires.