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Support RA Bills in the 2017-2018 Session of Congress


Members of Congress have introduced bills for the 2017-18 session that would recognize radiologist assistants—Registered Radiologist Assistants (R.R.A.s) and Radiology Practitioner Assistants (RPAs)—under Medicare law. If you’re an R.R.A. or an RPA, we urge you to request support for the bill from your representatives and senators.

The bills’ chances of success increase when more members of Congress co-sponsor them. To help these bills become law, we urgently need to secure as many co-sponsors as possible. That's where we need your help. Emailing your representatives and senators will increase the probability that bills recognizing the radiologist assistant (RA) profession in Medicare law become reality. 

As a reminder, here are the steps to email your members of Congress:



Copying us on your emails lets us update our Washington lobbyists. It gives them the documentation they need to follow up with your senators and representatives—and demand action. 

If you receive a message saying the email is undeliverable or that the email address is invalid, contact for help


Writing your members of Congress will help promote the bills. If you can get a letter of support from your employer it would also greatly improve our chances for success this year.

If your employer hasn’t written a letter of support, you could ask someone from your leadership team to write one. We offer sample letters of support for:

If your employer has written and sent a letter of support in previous years, you could ask the writer to consider updating it. This year’s bills are new. Changing the date and bill number would remind your representatives and senators that Congress is considering new RA bills and that you are again asking for support.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your support for RA legislation in Congress.