With our launch of Message Center, ARRT has expanded our online services. The new tool makes it easier for Registered Technologists (R.T.s) and ARRT to communicate about subjects such as maintaining a credential(s), earning new credentials, and completing business with us.
First Phase
We’re developing Message Center in several phases. The first phase replaces the previous Message Us feature with our new Message Center interface.
When you're logged into your online account, you'll notice a Messages link at the top of your screen next to the search icon. The number in red next to Messages tells you how many unread messages you have.

Clicking the Messages link will bring you to your inbox. There you can see any messages we've sent to you. You can also compose and send messages to us, and read and respond to our replies--letting you and ARRT maintain an ongoing thread of correspondence on a topic.
Coming Soon
Over the next year, we'll be adding more features to Message Center. Some of these include:
- Optimizing Message Center for viewing on mobile devices
- Making it easy to print messages
- Giving you the option to receive text notifications, if desired
Doing ARRT Business Online
In the future, Message Center will become a central communications hub for R.T.s and ARRT. We'll send most notifications, reminders, and other information to you through Message Center instead of the U.S. mail. When there's a new message in your inbox, we’ll send you a notification to log in to Message Center. Your communication with ARRT will be housed in one highly secure location.
In 2021, we’ll begin sending R.T.s a user agreement. The agreement will ask you to agree to read messages in Message Center in a timely manner.