An Eligibility Appeal is a request for review if you believe you’ve met all our eligibility requirements and were determined to be ineligible, you may appeal the decision. This process applies to anyone who upon seeking to obtain or maintain certification and registration was found to have not met one or more of the eligibility requirements.

We strive to ensure that our exams are administered fairly in a comfortable and safe environment. If you believe that your exam administration deviated substantially from normal testing procedures, you may request a review.

Examples of what you can appeal include (this is not an all-inclusive list):

  • Missed deadline due to health, hospitalization, military, and/or being incapacitated within 24 hours of the examination.
  • Examination window extension request due to health, hospitalization, military, and/or being incapacitated within 24 hours of the examination.
  • Examination rescore request
  • Administration of the examination or assessment
  • Continuing Education (CE) Probation
  • Reinstatement
  • Continuing Qualification Requirements (CQR)

Examples of what you can’t appeal include:

  • Any of the eligibility requirements themselves including the examination score required to pass or the CQR CE prescription as well as ARRT policy as outlined in the Governing Documents.
  • Refusal to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the examination or Structured Self-Assessment (SSA).

Note: Please be aware you can either submit an Eligibility Appeal Request or you can submit a Reapplication or Reinstatement for Certification and Registration by Examination in the same discipline. Both an appeal and an application can’t be in process at the same time. In other words, you can either have an Eligibility Appeal Request in process or an open exam window – but not both. Regardless of the order of submission, the Eligibility Appeal Request will automatically be voided.


Submit a completed Eligibility Appeal Request form explaining why you think the ineligibility decision was incorrect. Be sure to include any supporting documentation.

We’ll notify you in writing of the outcome of the investigation; we don’t discuss the appeal findings over the phone.


If you submitted an eligibility appeal request and an ineligible decision was confirmed, it is within your appeal rights to file a next level appeal. All second and third level appeals require additional evidence/documentation from the previous appeal to qualify for a next level review. Note the deadlines to file an Eligibility Appeal Request per Level of Appeal.

  • First Level. Must be submitted within 600 calendar days of the event resulting in the individual being declared ineligible for certification and registration.
  • Second Level. Must be submitted within 60 calendar days of the postmark date on the envelope of the First Level Eligibility Appeal decision letter.
  • Third Level. Must be submitted within 60 calendar days of the postmark date on the envelope of the Second Level Eligibility Appeal decision letter.

If the Appeal deadline has expired your ability to file an appeal is discontinued. 


  • Eligibility Appeal Requests for examination or assessment administration must be received by ARRT within two business days after the exam or assessment.
  • Exam or assessment rescore requests must be postmarked within 14 calendar days of the postmark date on the envelope with your score report.
  • See the deadlines above to file an Eligibility Appeal Request per level of appeal.

If ARRT finds evidence that your examination or assessment was administered in a manner that substantially deviated from normal procedures, your results may be canceled, and you may be assigned a new window at no cost. We won’t adjust your score based on the findings of the review. Instead, if we find evidence of a substantial deviation from normal testing procedures, we’ll cancel your original score and assign you a new exam window at no cost to you.

Note: The Eligibility Appeal Request form should only be used for an appeal involving education or examination requirements. If you have questions on ethics requirements, learn more on our Ethics Requirements page.