5 Reasons to Earn a Credential in Vascular Sonography
Why Consider a VS Credential? Here are five good reasons.
Why Margo Merkle Chose Vascular Sonography
Ultrasound "felt right" to her. If vascular sonography is a credential you're considering, you might be interested in ARRT’s upcoming free opportunity to apply.
ARRT Statement on Changes to Continuing Education Requirements
Our Board of Trustees recently made decisions on policy changes for preparing and delivering presentations, accepting CE credits for authorship, and writing and publishing peer-reviewed journal articles. ARRT's statement provides reasons why the ARRT Board of Trustees made changes to ARRT's CE requirements.
ARRT Reviews Changes to Education Requirements
Earlier this year, ARRT proposed changes to our policies for earning continuing education (CE) credit. Based on the feedback we received, our Board of Trustees made decisions on policy changes for preparing and delivering presentations, and writing and publishing peer-reviewed journal articles.
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Radiography Changes
ARRT recently proposed changes to our Radiography documents. Review the proposed changes to the Radiography Examination Content Specifications and Clinical Competency Requirements.
ARRT Extends Recognition of Three Continuing Education (CE) Partners
At its July Board of Trustees meeting, the ARRT extended the recognition of the following organizations as CE partners: The American College of Radiology (ACR), The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), and The Florida Department of Health – Bureau of Radiation Control (DOH-BRC).
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Nuclear Medicine Changes
ARRT recently proposed changes to our Nuclear Medicine documents. Review the proposed changes to the Nuclear Medicine Technology Examination Content Specifications and Clinical Competency Requirements.
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Radiation Therapy Changes
ARRT recently proposed changes to our Radiation Therapy documents. Review the proposed changes to the Radiation Therapy Examination Content Specifications and Clinical Competency Requirements.