ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Changes to MRI Documents
Provide your thoughts on the proposed changes to the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Examination Content Specifications, Didactic and Clinical Competency Requirements, and Clinical Experience Requirements by September 15, 2023
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Changes to Mammography Documents
Provide your thoughts on the proposed changes to the Mammography Examination Content Specifications and Clinical Experience Requirements by September 15, 2023
ARRT Board of Trustees Names New Member, 2023-24 Officers
At its July 2023 meeting, the ARRT Board of Trustees appointed Jessica Galandak, M.D., M.P.H.., to a four-year term. It also elected Beth Weber, M.P.H., R.T.(R)(ARRT), RDMS, CRA, FASRT, former Board Secretary/Treasurer, President for the coming year.
ARRT Honors Four in I Am the Gold Standard Program
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is pleased to announce the four Registered Technologists (R.T.s) who earned honors in this year’s I Am the Gold Standard program. They are: LuAnn Daniel, R.T.(R)(M)(CT)(ARRT); Diane Forbes, R.R.A., R.T.(R)(VI)(ARRT), RDMS; Felix Zuniga Infante III, R.T.(R)(ARRT); Jennifer Thompson, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(QM)(ARRT).
ARRT to Change Fluoroscopy Cut Score on Jan. 1, 2024
On Jan. 1, 2024, ARRT will begin using a new cut score for the Fluoroscopy examination.
ARRT to Change Content Specifications for Sonography Exam on Jan. 1, 2024
ARRT’s Board of Trustees recently approved changes to the content specifications for ARRT’s Sonography exam.
ARRT Offers Free Ethics Training to R.T.s
In recognition of ARRT’s 100th anniversary, we’ve created a new Guide to Ethics in Imaging training module.
ARRT Extends Recognition of Two CE Partners
At its January Board of Trustees meeting, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) extended the recognition of two organizations as continuing education (CE) partners.
Updated Vascular Sonography Documents
ARRT, with the help of the professional community, reviews the certification documents every five years. The ARRT Board of Trustees recently approved changes to the following documents, which go into effect on January 1, 2024.
Updated Sonography Documents
ARRT, with the help of the professional community, reviews the certification documents every five years. The ARRT Board of Trustees recently approved changes to the following documents, which go into effect on January 1, 2024.