Updated Bone Densitometry Documents
We've updated our discipline documents for Bone Densitometry. The new documents are effective July 1, 2022.
Textbook CE Activities to Count by Chapter Only
Effective Jan. 1, 2023, ARRT will change our policies concerning continuing education (CE) activities based on textbooks or e-books.
AVIR, Kentucky, and Massachusetts Continue as ARRT CE Partners
These three organizations recently earned continued recognition as ARRT continuing education (CE) partners.
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Registered Radiologist Assistant Document Changes
ARRT recently proposed changes to our R.R.A. documents. Review the proposed changes to the R.R.A. Examination Content Specifications and Didactic and Clinical Portfolio Requirements.
ARRT Seeks Comments on Proposed Computed Tomography Document Changes
ARRT recently proposed changes to our CT documents. Review the proposed changes to the CT Examination Content Specifications and Clinical Experience Requirements.
ARRT Updates CQR Algorithm
A small number of people who completed the SSA between Jan. 1, 2018, and Dec. 31, 2020, will receive a “retranslated" CE prescription based on the refined algorithm.
ARRT to Increase Fees to Apply for Certification and Registration for First Time Since 2010
This fee increase will be effective Jan. 1, 2022.
ARRT to Change Computed Tomography Cut Score on July 1, 2021
The revised cut score reflects new performance expectations for entry-level CT technologists and replaces the previous cut score set in 1995.
2021 Governing Documents Call for Comments
Take part in guiding the future of the radiologic technology profession by letting us know what you think about proposed changes to our governing documents.
ARRT to End Partial Continuing Education (CE) Credit
Starting Jan. 1, 2022, R.T.s who attend events, such as in-person talks and webinars, will receive CE only if they attend the entire activity.